Thursday, November 03, 2005

Mind Dump - Chicago Stizz

RE: Wilco

Chicago Sun-Times has a review up for the Wilco benefit show they did here last Tuesday. They played some new tunes that I am sad to have missed but since I missed out on the ticketing I wasn't really excited to pay a ton of cash to see Spiders, Late Greats, and I'm A Wheel again. Those three songs are just about my least favorite Wilco tracks and they ALWAYS play them when I see them.

RE: My Cubs thoughts at this point in the offseason

Does anyone really care about Kerry Wood and his rehab? He is dead to me and probably, in a best case scenario right now, no better than a fifth starter.

Nomar supposedly is as good as gone
according to Michael Sneed. Since when does she scoop Bruce Levine? But it probably is true since today the Trib has an article about how Rafael Furcal has expressed interest in coming to the Cubs and how the Cubs have the SS and leadoff man as their top priority this offseason.

Finally, this offseason's free agent market is relatively weak everywhere except for relievers. The Cubs better shore up their bullpen. There is no excuse.

RE: All the hubbub regarding smoking in Chicago

The city already has the wheels turning on an indoor smoking ban in the city and smokers were irate. Now they are freaking out over the mayor's proposal to further increase the tax on cigarettes in the city instead of increasing property taxes, cutting more jobs, or increasing the vehicle stickers. While I strongly believe you should be able to kill yourself however you'd like, I can't really find any issue with both moves. The indoor smoking ban is a public health issue not a personal health issue is absolutely the type of thing that the city council should be looking at and the increased tax is the most reasonable solution to generating more money for our inefficient and cash strapped city. Tax the hell out of the vices.


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