God Bless Bloc Party

Saw Bloc Party yesterday night with Tim (his review here) at the woefully awful sounding Congress Theater. Kele, dressed in a home Jordan jersey pictured above, had apparently lost his voice and mentioned that he was struggling a few times between songs but honestly if he didn't mention it I would have thought it was just the crappy acoustics. This is the second time that I've seen them this year (saw them at the Metro right when Silent Alarm dropped) and while the vocals were better the first time (read: audible) the band sounded much better last night musically.
Bloc Party isn't going to wow you with complicated arrangements, soul touching lyrics, or big artistic statements. That isn't what they are about. They are a power pop rock band that brings big guitar hooks, tons of energy and makes you want to sing along with every song on the album. I think the reason that most people who like music scoff at power pop is that most of the time the bands aren't very tight, there isn't any cohesion in their sound, and they give off the impression that most of the time they are mailing it in. This isn't the case with Bloc Party and it showed last night.
Highlights of the Show:
This Modern Love->Like Eating Glass->Little Thoughts sequence
Image via maju6406's flickr stream.
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