Friday, December 02, 2005

Friday High Fives

Riffing a little bit on Tim's Thanksgiving post about what he is thankful for I am going to start posting five things I am thankful for, appreciate, or admire each Friday.

$2 Sangrias at Grand Central
So good.

Shit-wrecking D
Watching a team get pounded by the Bears D is one of the most gratifying things I've seen all fall.

Not to get all religious on you but about as Anti-MS a piece of software as you can get. Standards compliance, extensibility, cool, reliable, and fast.

cool desktop wallpaper.

Autumn Roast Coffee
Einstein Bros. has a winner with their Autumn Roast. I've been kinda coffee polygamist lately with my attention being split between Starbuck's Gingerbread lattes, old faithful, and this blend. A lot of that has to do with Einstein's not offering this blend everyday.

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