Friday, November 11, 2005

Road Trip: Destination Madison

This weekend is the Iowa vs. Wisconsin football game and, as has become tradition amongst the Sofa King's circle of friends, we are making the trek up to Madison. Last trip saw a ridiculous amount awesomedosing since the tailgating started promptly at 6 o'clock Friday night and lasted through the dramatic 27-21 victory Iowa had at which point it turned into a victory celebration. I am not as excited about our prospects this year since the team hasn't beat a decent team this year, the Badgers are celebrating Senior Day and Barry Alvarez's last home game, and the Iowa's D can't stop anyone let alone a back as dynamic as Brian Calhoun. As the War of Attrition with My Liver (aka College Football Season 2005) winds down, a huge win in Madison would not be enough to salvage what turned out to be a hugely disappointing campaign for the Hawks. It could however be a huge confidence boost for a team that desparately needs a spark (where are the Seniors?) and would create some positive momentum going into Minnesota and the beat ass bowl game Iowa would be eligible for.


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