Heh. Thoughts to ponder on a Friday.

When the Marcus Vick arrest happened a little while ago the first thing that popped into my mind was that no one could be that stupid. To pull a gun on people at McD's almost immediately after getting dismissed from your college football team and effectively ruining whatever outside chance you had of signing a lucrative an NFL contract was just unfathomable to me. He had to be doing this on purpose almost like he was Monty Brewster. So I figured that I'd send this to the Sports Guy to see what he had to say about it.
Do you think Marcus Vick's arrest for waiving a piece around a fast food joint coming right on the heels of being dismissed from VT is really just an homage to the recently departed Richard Prior and his work in Brewster's Millions except instead of having to spend $30 million dollars and have nothing to show for it you have to ruin your chances of signing a lucrative NFL contract?Well it didn't make the cut for the latest mailbag but I can't really get mad at him for not including it when it included this gem :
Q: I've been on a four-week bender since my wife went away with our daughter and my two pigs (Boston terriers). I am maxing my Home Equity Line of Credit currently and our house has been uninhabitable for those with toddlers. Having said that, last week I was wasted at a nudie bar ... then went golfing early the next morning ... then drank as much as possible on my friend's boat ... then stuffed my six chins at a cheesy hibachi restaurant ... and then (after 29 cumulative cigarettes in less than 12 hours) capped it all off at Baskin Robbins for a my fat boy special (Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream). Anyway, we see the hottest high school chicks around and get this: One guy we were with tells me I have issues. Puh-lease. Although they may or may not have been 18 ... at what point is it not OK to comment and drool over high school chicks when you are into your early 30s? And, Simmons ... don't lie to me and tell me you and your dirt bag friends are different.If they had a Make-A-Wish foundation for adults, that guy just described a basic framework to start crafting a wish from.
-- Stump, Old Greenwich, Conn.
image via Deadspin
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