Friday, January 13, 2006

SKC Favorite: Modified Living

Loving ModifiedLiving right now. If the site simply posted the rules to their Drunk Off - Man Challenge it would have been a first ballot inductee into the Sofa King Chicago Internets Hall of Fame (coming soon) but no, they weren't satisfied with merely laying down a blueprint for awesomeness. ML has spoofed the Nike warrior campaign(NSFW), regaled us with tales (and pics and video) of bringing a "65 year old woman to a late-night keg session where she raged out until 6 o' clock in the morning", and even have their own self-proclaimed token asian, Killer Mike. As of late they have taken to launching successful internet smear campaigns (no permalink, check the Jan. 5th entry) that have even inspired potentially libelous photoshoppings(definitely NSFW) of the target and promise even more exciting features to come.

Can't wait until they launch