Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Quickies - The "I Don't Have A Name Yet" Edition is an invaluable tool that'll help you hunt for deals on a specific wine name or vintage.

Stewie Griffin is going to be hosting a podcast at

Who would have thunk that it would've come to this? "Sisqo has been forced to subside on what he calls, “broke-down boos in dusty-ass drawers.”" I don't know what is funnier, that line or the fact that Sisqo has the nickname of "The Dragon".

Bunch of good links for quotes you can use in presentations etc. (via LifeHacker)

Must see video: Brokeback Top Gun. Hilarious. (via The Intern's Daily Links)

In the Sports Guy's latest column about (yawn) Kobe he drops a line that might be used more than a few times in the coming months as 2006 is chock full of weddings, bachelor parties, and college football games:
"Of course, I was drunk at the time, so this might not have happened the way I remember it. The important thing is that I believe it happened"

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