What is and isn't offsides: A Visual Guide
DISCLAIMER: The Sofa King acknowledges the fact that this post is going to come across as sour grapes. Please know that I wasn't really as upset about this call as some others because any team that gives up a blocked punt for a TD, a "pick six", and couldn't establish any kind of running game while failing to shutdown the opposing teams running game doesn't deserve to win the football game.
My good friend PapaGDL sent me a forward he got from his brother with some screen captures from last Monday's Outback Bowl. As Tim points out, the officials did appologize but c'mon. This is pretty damning.
The "Offsides" was the Hawks getting busted when clearly they were onside and the "Not Offsides" was from earlier in the game when the Gators were clearly offsides.

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