Friday, March 03, 2006

Friday High Fives (03/03/06)

This week's five items, ideas, and individuals that I am thankful for, appreciate, or admire.

Nike Air Jordan XXI Commercial
Great music to compliment a neat concept of amatuer athletes immatating some of MJ's classic moments and moves. When it comes to branding and advertising Nike stands alone.

USB Thumbdrives
These are somewhat ubiquitous now and I've always kinda laughed them off as not being anything other than a toy but count me among the converts now. It is nice to always have portable storage for quick file transfers, being able to have your bookmarks and config files on hand when you need it and especially for being able to work on homework on multiple systems when ever you have a spare moment.

The Bears Salary Cap Management
The Bears, as an organization, have taken a lot of heat over the years for various mistakes and bungled moves but watching the labor dispute unfold this past week as the free agency period opens I think it is only fair to give them credit for something they have done well. The Bears have always managed the salary cap well and have never had to dismantle the team, cut players they really wanted to keep, or been in a position where they couldn't address a need because of a lack of cap space. It is unfortunate that the one thing the management could pat themselves on the back for could be rendered meaningless if the NFL ends up going to an uncapped year in 2007.

Safari Bookshelf
My work has an enterprise license for access to O'Reilly's Safari Bookshelf that gives you access to a ton of books online from many different publishers. I am not a big fan of reading entire books online but it is an invaluable resource.

I haven't had much of it this week and it certainly makes me thankful for it when I am able to get it and appreciate it after I've done it.

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