Friday, March 17, 2006

Friday High Fives (03/17/06)

This week's five items, ideas, and individuals that I am thankful for, appreciate, or admire.

St. Patricks Day

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHH! Let the bad judgement and questionable morals flow. Yes, today is for amateurs but I like to think of it more as a Pro-Am. The grizzled veterans can spend the day sharing tips and leading those less experienced degenerates to the next level. HINT: it requires just the right mix of Guinness and Jameson that, if mixed incorrectly, could lead to disasterous results.

Being Done With Finals
The Sofa King just ran the gauntlet with the Sofa Kingdom having to have a wall replaced in the bathroom, Em-dina's birthday, the South Side Irish Parade, some deadlines at work and a 15 page term paper and take home final to complete over the last week or so. As of 2:30am this morning I am done with finals and my class for the winter quarter and I could not be happier.

Team USA Getting Bounced from the WBC
I really can say that I hate the WBC because that would mean I would have to care about it but I do care about is not having players from the Cubs get hurt. DLee had a near scare and I don't even want to think about the possibility of losing Big Z for even a little time this season especially given the current situation.

Bears not over paying for free agents
$31 Million over 6 years for 35 catches last year and 7 career receiving touchdowns does not make sense no matter how much you desire a playmaker in the return game. Randall-El, Adam Archuletta, and Eddie Drummond would be nice additions to the squad but certainly are not the types of players you agressively go after and possibly over pay a little for. The Bears have done very well in the draft over the past few years solidifying the defense. Now hopefully we can enjoy similar success on the other side of the ball.

Buffalo Shrimp
One of my top 5 favorite foods period. Delicious. I am a firm believer that these are the reason "everybody is getting happy at Hooters."

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