Thursday, April 20, 2006

Quickies: The "Fat Tracks" Edition

Stereogum has a collection of Cinnamon Girl covers for your listening pleasure. One of my favorite Neil Young tracks. Gnarls Barkley. I mentioned them a while ago and now they are blowing up the internets. I take full credit for this! :) Get the album. It is well worth your hard earn dollars. Are people upset that the Art Institute is going to start charging? It is unfortunate that they had to move away from the voluntary donation system (less than 10% paid more than the minimum suggested donation of a buck). Still, I am not sure that this is going to address the concerns many have had over the lack of minority attendance that Chicago museums have witnessed. I don't mind paying admission to walk the galleries there, the place is one of the crown jewels of this city and has some of my favorite pieces, but I wonder if this is not going to hurt the effort to attract a more diverse crowd to the museum.