Thursday, April 06, 2006

Friday High Fives (04/06/06)

Back after the Amsterdam hiatus and recovery week. (What items, ideas, and individuals I was admiring during that period is left as an exercise for the reader.)

Without further ado, this week's five items, ideas, and individuals that I am thankful for, appreciate, or admire.

The gateway to summer and the start of so many seasons that I enjoy such as golf, BBQ'ing, baseball, alfresco dining, and beer gardens.

The Masters
The first major held at golf's mecca is always a treat. I can't wait to watch it live and walk the course but for the time being CBS's awesome HD coverage will have to suffice.

Home Opener
When I think of spring I think of being at Wrigley watching the Cubs. So regardless of what the calendar says spring starts for the Sofa King on the day of the Cubs' home opener.

Translating Rare Manuscripts
The NY Times has an excerpt(PDF) of the 'Gospel of Judas' online and National Geographic has a microsite devoted to it. I find this incredibly interesting from a historical standpoint. I think the study of theology is intensely interesting given the all the social, economic, and political aspects that have resulted from religion. I also find it sad that, despite all the research and scholarship that has been done on texts like these, inevitably this work will be ardently denied and dismissed by the same folks who don't believe in evolution and dinosaurs.

First round of the year
Ah...the first round of golf for the year is a special day for me. Right up there with Christmas and my birthday. I've got a good feeling about this year and I have my goals set and a few golf trips planned so I am very excited to tee it up.

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