Friday, December 16, 2005

Friday High Fives (12/16/05)

This week's five items, ideas, and individuals that I am thankful for, appreciate, or admire.

Indictments handed out in Viking sex boat scandal

Is this mean spirited especially giving that it is the holidays? Yes. Will this be a distraction for the team during crunch time as they try to catch the Beloved? Hopefully. And by the way Fred Smoot, stay classy.

King Kong

Review to follow. In a word: Awesome.

Saturday NFL games
It might come as a suprise with all this MLB hot stove league talk that goes on around these parts but my favorite team sport by a large margin is football. Specifically NFL football. With college football ready to start its 28 or so bowl games the NFL gets to schedule some games on Saturdays and I couldn't be happier about it.

Ricky Gervais
I am really, really late to this party but I just watched seasons 1 and 2 of The Office and thought, like the zillion other people who told me about it, that it was phenomenal. Thanks to Kiddo for recommending we rent season one when 40 Year Old Virgin was not in stock and Tim for lending me the second season and special DVDs. Make sure you check out his incredibly funny podcast.

Lots of cool stuff going on in Yahoo!land. The have a new email interface set to be unleashed, cool mapping features, and a slew of purchases ranging from to the recently acquired They stuck to their guns and didn't fold up shop when Google was king of buzz and rolling out innovative projects. Now that they've taken the fight to Google and Microsoft it'll be very interesting to see how they respond. Imagine that, competition in business really does create benefits for consumers.

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