Thursday, June 08, 2006

Quickies - The "Schools out for the Summer" Edition


I am done with finals for my class and the last of my "Multiple Deadlines for Work That Conviently Always Coincide with Midterms and Finals" has past so I have my life back for the time being.

Burn in Hell. Regardless of where you stand on the war in Iraq I hope everyone can agree that the world is a better place without Zarqawi.

I have to hand it to them. They really know how to market themselves well. Thankfully they also know when they are incredibly overexposed.

An evolutionary psychology take on a pressing topic. Why Bond Villians Employ Dwarves.

Uber-Chef Thomas Keller is doing burgers now. I have to get a Kobe beef stuffed with Foie-gras burger here before Chicago goes Foieless.

I've been listening to a lot of Hot Chip. They've classified themselves in the "Reggaeton / Bluegrass / Turntablism" genre which makes me chuckle but I peg them somewhere on the musical spectrum between Daft Punk and Postal Service and is perfect for working, studying or chilling out. The new album The Warning drops next week and is recommended. You can listen to some tracks off the album at the band's myspace page. They'll be at Lollapalooza in August and supposedly put on a great show so those of you going should check them out.

Kerry Wood has been dead to me for a while. It is long past time that the Cubs realize they should feel the same way. 2006 is effectively over, Wood's option for 2007 isn't going to get picked up, and having to continually push your starts back a couple days after you can only go 3 innings isn't going to stir up a lot of interest in the trade market. For once could the Cubs be rational about building a winner and do what is right for the future? What good does it do rushing Wood and Prior back this season? Is there a big difference between finishing 33 or 21 games back?

Finally. Looking forward to checking out Em-dina's home town and playing a little golf with her dad at their country club this weekend. I am chomping at the bit to get back on the course after the last couple weeks.

Filed in: