Friday, April 06, 2007

Friday High Fives: 04/06/2007

I'm back bitches and I've got some changes in the works. It has been too long.

This week's five items, ideas, and individuals that I am thankful for, appreciate, or admire.

The Masters
Man, I am telling you the webcast from is getting better and better every year. The scoreboard interface, the streaming video, the great UI, the expanded coverage. It is pure awesome. But I think the best aspect of the web coverage is the commentary Bobby Clampett and Billy Kratzert who are on the Amen Corner feed. seriously talking about golf, telling stories, debating who was the best line putter and best sight putter, bringing in other guys like Ferherty and having casual conversations. The depth is amazing and I really wish they and really all sports (looking squarely at you NFL) had a special feed or channel for pro-sumers who want this type of coverage commentary rather than the standard fare Jimmy Nantz/Joe Buck vanilla stuff. I can't say enough good stuff about this.

Home Opener
All though the Cubs are off to a questionable start with a 1-2 record I am really looking forward to going to the home opener on Monday.

Seven Samurai - Criterion Collection Edition

Super duper edition of Kurosawa's seminal film that "seamlessly weaves philosophy and entertainment, delicate human emotions and relentless action into a rich, evocative, and unforgettable tale of courage and hope."

Graphic Novels
I am not usually a comic book guy but I do enjoy a good graphic novel every once and a while. I just got done reading volumes 1 and 2 of DMZ and I recommend them. It isn't a masterpiece but the artwork is great and the story is compelling. I do think that the story is somewhat contrived at times and lays the symbolism on a little thick in some areas but overall a good read. I've just started Watchmen by Alan Moore who did V for Vendetta.

MLB Gameday
I thought ESPN's real time scoreboard was the best in breed for interactive scores and stats but I recently have been turned onto's Gameday. It is really slick and has a lot of neat stuff like showing you the pitch locations for every at-bat each hitter has had in the game to see how they are attacking them and giving some really sweet stats (speed, break, and pFX) on each pitch thrown.
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